In a Funk and Can't Get Out of It?

You Google: in a funk, get out of a rut, self-help, depression, motivation, womens self help books. Me: same (10 years ago)

Sick and Tired of Being In a Funk

You’re sick and tired of being sick and tired — of being unmotivated, uninspired, blah.

You’re feeling a little (or a lot) depressed. You’ve become cynical that this is all to life there is: wake up-overwork-overeat-overthink-oversleep, repeating this same pattern day after day.

Your thoughts are controlling everything you do — or don’t do — and you can’t seem to wrangle them. What happened to you? You wonder. You didn’t use to be like this!

On the surface you’re doing a really good job of pretending that things are fine, but when you get home all bets are off. You’re different. You’re… real. But you’re stil avoiding what’s making you feel this way. So more food, sleep, wine and work to distract yourself.

The problem is that you’re not fine and you think no one knows you’re struggling, but they do. They pick up on behavior changes.

In a Funk and Can't Get Out of It?

Behavior Changes They Can See When You’re in a Funk

  • The lack of engagement in… everything.

  • The negativity.

  • The sharpness in your tone.

  • The weight gain.

  • The over-confidence due to lack of confidence.

  • The over-competence you use to try to trick people into not seeing everything else.

  • The lack of decision making.

  • The lack of not trying anymore.

  • The lack of having goals or dreams.

  • The lack of patience.

Get Out of a Funk

You know there is life on the other side of being in a funk, but you don’t know how to get there or where to start. You are spinning your wheels and it’s making you feel crazy.

You feel like you’re wasting your life not moving forward. You keep thinking about all you could do, be, and accomplish if only you could start moving forward again!

So What Do You Do?

First, the most important thing is you recognized how you’re feeling and that you want to change it. Second, if you really feel depressed, it’s important to seek medical care from a professional. Third, decide how you want to move forward. That might be talking to a friend for support, it might be reading a self-help book, or joining a community of women who are struggling with the same and want to change it.

How to Get Support

If you’re in a funk and can’t get out of it, click on the “Work With Vanessa” link to find out how I can help you.