Having a Midlife Crisis? You Decide.
Are you kidding me?
One of my friends recently asked me if I was I was having a midlife crisis. I mean, I did turn 40 last year, but what could she possibly be talking about?
During my daily meditation (i.e. trying not to do anything else but just sit still), *poof* I realized what she meant!
What She Meant by Midlife Crisis
She noticed that I was moving forward in my life again; making decisions confidently that I used to stew over or totally avoid!
She noticed that I didn’t hate Sundays anymore (you know, because Monday was coming) and was instead now excited to see what Monday AND the rest of the week had in store for me!
She noticed that I wasn’t talking about “the past” in the same way anymore; that I was able to make peace with the long list of people and situations that I continually blamed for my depression, trauma, and overall B.S.
She noticed that my physical appearance was changing; my weight was dropping, and I had more energy and actually looked BETTER, despite experiencing a long list of medical-mystery type of symptoms.
She noticed I was thriving at my corporate job; instead of fearing I was going to get fired for saying “no” too many times because I was over overwhelmed and constantly in conflict. I started to get recognized again for being a valued contributor.
She noticed that my negativity was nearly non-existent; that my judgement of myself and others had been replaced with positivity and hope. I still keep it real and grounded though, let’s get clear about that.
She noticed that I was more peaceful and was saying “yes” to more fun and challenging opportunities without feeling overwhelmed.
AND she noticed I was taking massive action on following my dreams!
My Soul Purpose in Action Was My Midlife Crisis
What she ACTUALLY noticed was me stepping into my soul-purpose.
I’m helping women [who are ready to poke their eyeballs out with a dull pencil from feeling stuck in a rut] do the same.
There is hope to find your way back to you, even if you haven’t figure out who that is yet!
How to Get Support
If you feel like you’re having a midlife crisis, click on the “Work With Vanessa” link to find out how I can help you.