Beyond "Let's Reframe That": Why Authentic Support Matters Most in Coaching and Mentoring
Reframing Isn't Always the Answer: Ditch the Gaslighting and Embrace Real Connection
Feeling frustrated? Stuck in a struggle that feels...well, struggly? Before someone tells you to "reframe it," hold on. In my personalized approach to coaching and mentoring, we ditch the toxic optimism and prioritize your authentic emotions. Why? Because sometimes, what you need most is someone to truly hear you.
The Pitfalls of Premature Reframing
Reframing requires receptivity. You're in the thick of it, and that's valid. Pushing a positive spin too soon can feel dismissive and invalidating.
Sometimes, you just need to be heard. No quick fixes, no forced reframing. Just a safe space to process your frustrations and emotions.
Deep struggles call for deeper support. If your brain is tangled in a web of overwhelm, therapy can be the key to untangling it.
Honoring Your Struggle: Embracing Authentic Emotions
Feel your feels. It's okay to be frustrated, angry, even scared. Let it out. Bottling up emotions leads to trouble (trust my "spreadsheet of medical problems"!).
Find the right support. Therapists can help unravel deep emotions, while mentors and coaches can guide your growth when you're ready.
Learn to cycle through it. Embrace the ebb and flow of emotions, and use reframing as a tool for personal growth, not a quick fix.
Navigating Reframing: A Personalized Approach
Reframing can be powerful, but only if it's done right. When you're ready, I'm here to guide your journey:
I help you reframe on your terms. It's about finding the right perspective when you're ready, not forcing it before you've had a chance to feel your feels.
We move at your pace. Some days you need to vent, others you're open to growth. We honor your unique rhythm.
Together, we build resilience. Learn to cycle through emotions, embrace challenges, and use reframing as a tool for empowerment.
Ready to Ditch the Gaslighting? Embrace Authentic Support with Me
Click the "Work With Vanessa" link below to see how I can help you navigate your unique journey. You're not alone. Let's move beyond surface-level fixes and build genuine growth, together.
How to Get Support
If you’re looking for support with personal growth and development, click on the “Work With Vanessa” link to find out how I can help you.